Has a Comic Changed Your Behavior?

Science Comics: Coral Reefs: Cities of the Ocean

We’re supposed to drink a lot of water. I used to work on that by stocking my fridge with disposable water bottles, because it’s so easy to grab one. Then I read Maris Wicks’ Science Comics: Coral Reefs: Cities of the Ocean, which makes an excellent case for doing more to reuse and recycle. (Short version: our careless behavior causes climate change which is killing the coral reefs.)

I stopped using those bottles and switched to a refillable plastic tumbler, like this one:

Plastic tumbler glass with straw

So, thanks, Maris, for making me do something better for the earth, and all because I read a comic.

How about you? Have you changed any of your behavior because you read a comic? Which one, and why?

Science Comics: Coral Reefs: Cities of the Ocean

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