Anne Happy: Unhappy Go Lucky! Volume 3

Anne Happy: Unhappy Go Lucky! Volume 3

When I read the first volume of this series, I thought it was cute and silly. It’s still aiming for that, but now, the fan service is overwhelming the entertainment value for me.

For instance, the non-student nature of the supposedly responsible adults is indicated by giving them boobs as big as their heads. That may be to distinguish them from Botan, one of the core trio of girls, who in spite of her medical worries, lack of exercise, and time spent passing out, is very well-built.

Anne Happy: Unhappy Go Lucky! Volume 3

In case that wasn’t enough, volume three gives us four chapters of the girls in swimsuits. The rest of the book is a series of luck games and tests, which somehow requires the students to be costumed as fantasy fighters. Think belly-baring armored shoulderpads, bare legs with thigh-high boots, cleavage cups, and ridiculous headdresses.

Clearly, the story, such as it is, and the leads’ friendship is less important than cute girls in pinup poses and costumes. I thought this would be lightly entertaining, but the audience seems to be limited to those who want to gawk at the girls. (The publisher provided a review copy.)

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