Dark Horse to Collect Andi Watson’s Glister


I’ve been a huge fan of Andi Watson’s work for decades now, from his gorgeous slice-of-life stories — Breakfast After Noon, Slow News Day — to his sojourns in action genres — Geisha, Love Fights — to his more recent fantastic fable, Princess Decomposia and Count Spatula.

One of his best fantasies, though, hasn’t been easily available in the US for a while. Glister was a series of four short graphic novels about magical things happening to a young woman trying to keep home and family together. They were fanciful and funny and charming. And beautifully illustrated in deceptively simple fashion, as you’d expect. I loved them.


There were published in the UK from 2009-2010, but those were the expanded editions. They were first put out by Image, starting in 2007. That version was black-and-white, though, while the UK versions had color tinting, and the Image series only ran 3 issues.

The biggest problem with Glister was that it starred and was aimed at young women. Now, that’s a highly desired audience, but then, through comic shops, the market was hard to find. Here’s hoping that these stories will be more warmly received now that we know how large the audience can be.

Thanks to Dark Horse, the four stories are being collected for release on July 5. Glister can be pre-ordered now through comic shops with Diamond code MAR17 0060. It’s highly recommended. Here’s a writeup from the time with some art samples.


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