Beast Master Volume 1

Yuiko loves animals, but they don’t respond well to her smothering affection. Leo is a freaky-looking feral exchange student with wild black-rimmed eyes. He has violent berserker rages, but she notices how well animals respond to him, making her jealous of his affinity with them. Together, they’re the perfect couple, even if their story is somewhat like the Tiny Toons’ Elmyra meeting a cross between Tarzan and Wolverine. Her experience being hurt by her pets makes her unafraid of him, […]

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The Name of the Flower Volume 3

I think The Name of the Flower by Ken Saito is the moodiest manga series I follow. Between grumpy author Kei, suffering-in-silence Chouko, and co-dependent Shin, everyone here is pouty and morose, each in their own ways. Yet it’s entertaining watching them work through their tragedies to aim at the promise of happiness. Shin, Kei’s editor, has a lovely little monologue about loving the power of books before he meets Iori, a former college friend, which sets into play the […]

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Ooku: The Inner Chambers Volumes 1 and 2

Fumi Yoshinaga has quite the fan following based on her short series Antique Bakery and Flower of Life, as well as her yaoi works. With its strong, science fiction-like concept and old-fashioned flavor, Ooku: The Inner Chambers has the potential to make fans of even more manga readers. In medieval Japan, the ooku was a harem, an area of the ruler’s castle where his concubines lived and no men were allowed. In Yoshinaga’s story, there’s been a plague that kills […]

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Moyasimon: Tales of Agriculture Volume 1

When I heard that the premise of Moyasimon by Masayuki Ishikawa was a guy who could talk to germs, I expected cute humor. Instead, what I got was a typical coming-of-age story, only with some surprisingly gross moments. Tadayasu is headed off to agricultural college in Tokyo, accompanied by childhood friend Kei. The two young men are ready to start their lives as adults, figuring out what to be and how to chart their future. Tadayasu is a typical guy, […]

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Pluto: Urasawa x Tezuka Volume 6

I was stunned to realize that this volume didn’t conclude the series, since so many plot points are tied up and conflicts resolved. All the themes of the series are prominently on display: * Robots demonstrating human emotions. Detective Gesicht solves the murders based on a self-described hunch. * The horror of war. Gesicht’s visit to a Persian bazaar seeking clues introduces him to a robot child maimed during the past conflict and reduced to begging. * Trying to survive […]

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20th Century Boys Volume 5

After the time jump shown in the previous book, I shouldn’t be surprised with the major twist in this volume, but I was still stunned when it happened. Being left shocked and confused, though, just puts me in the same place as many of the characters in this sprawling story by Naoki Urasawa. Kenji and his friends have sent their loved ones away from Tokyo and banded together to battle the evil group of Friends. They’re convinced something will happen […]

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The Lizard Prince Volume 1

The Lizard Prince by Asuka Izumi, a romance in a magical fantasy setting, has enough humor to make it an enjoyable read for the young and young-thinking. As explained in the author’s notes, this book is Asuka Izumi’s first collection, so it follows a typical pattern: The first chapter works as a stand-alone story establishing the premise. That’s so if the concept isn’t popular or picked up, then there’s still a satisfactory ending. But this series was popular enough to […]

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Yotsuba&! Volume 6

The beloved series by Kiyohiko Azuma returns from a new publisher (who thankfully has also brought the previous volumes back into print) with all its charm intact. The stories in Yotsuba&! volume 6 fall into the category of “what it’s like to live with a young child” — they see the world differently. Everything’s new to them, yet they also start forming their own conclusions about the way things work. The result is creative comedy that rings adorably true. In […]

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