Proof That Superheroes Are Mainstream

Secret Diary of a Call Girl

I was watching Secret Diary of a Call Girl, starring Billie Piper (the first new Doctor’s main squeeze) as Belle, a high-priced London hooker and now writer.

The most recent episode, the fifth of season three, had an interesting exchange between Bambi, another call girl Belle has been mentoring, and her new flame, Byron. Byron, a spoiled rich boy, first hired Bambi two weeks ago, and now the two are getting married. Belle doesn’t believe prostitutes can have boyfriends, so she points out, rather rudely, that he doesn’t even know her favorite color. Later, Bambi and Byron are shown sitting on her bed asking each other questions: favorite pudding (dessert), cartoon, etc. The scene ends with him asking her “favorite superhero? and you can’t say me.” After he says “Silver Surfer”, she responds “Wolverine”, and he jumps on her with a growling noise.

Secret Diary of a Call Girl

I was struck by how that topic was lumped in with everything else, not as anything particularly nerdy, but just something funny to know about a person you’re interested in. Although I halfway expected her to say “Wonder Woman” instead.

Speaking of which, that hero got a mention in the latest issue of the woman’s magazine Marie Claire. In their Books/TV recommendation section, a banner running across the page recommends the upcoming Essential Wonder Woman Encyclopedia by Phil Jimenez and John Wells.

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