Everyone’s Getting Married Volume 8

Everyone’s Getting Married Volume 8

After learning that their relationship would have to go long distance in the previous book, Everyone’s Getting Married volume 8 ramps up the drama of their separation. I thought this plot twist would be more plausible, but I underestimated author Izumi Miyazono’s ability to create various obstacles for the key couple.

Everything reminds Asuka of how much she misses Ryu, particularly when she’s under the weather and wants comforting. His trip to the US is going very well for his career as a newscaster, though, so she’s conflicted by wanting to feel happy for him. Plus, when her bosses find out about her interest in getting married, they (without consulting her) decide to change the course of her career, regardless of her experience, hard work, and her own choices.

Everyone’s Getting Married Volume 8

That particular element is something many American readers can relate to, as bosses tend to underestimate women because they assume they all want families and will leave the workplace at some point. It puts Ryu’s work advancement in painful contrast, though, as he’s given choices she doesn’t have.

Even when Asuka and Ryu manage to get together, their moments are much too short, with a looming flight always imposing a deadline. Then there’s the risk of needing comfort from someone who’s physically present, although it’s reassuring to see how Asuka has people who want to take care of her. I feel for these two, wanting to see them get the happy ending they deserve, given how much they care for each other. Their challenges make sense to me, in pleasant contrast to some of the other josei we’ve seen here, with ridiculous emotionalism and dippy characters. I’m glad Asuka seems more realistic and centered.

The series ends in Japan next week, with the next volume (#9) potentially being the last. This book also has a short “visit to the production studio” report by the author to mark the release of the TV series adaptation in Japan. (The publisher provided a review copy.)


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