Wakako Zake

Wakako Zake

Wakako Zake is a digital-only food manga that concentrates on just that. There’s little characterization or extended storytelling, only descriptions of tasty dishes and the alcohol that goes with them in short (4-8 page) chapters.

Wakako likes to eat alone and drink a lot. She resembles a grown-up Yotsuba, with big, black dot eyes and a similar level of focus. Her plans revolve around such activities as a pig-out feast of barbecued skewers or having potstickers with garlic before a day off, always accompanied by beer or sake. The only longer sections, still focused on food and drink, are when she goes to a wedding or cooks for herself at home, with various courses.

Wakako Zake

Her choices are most often meat- or protein-heavy, substantial snack dishes with few accompaniments, the better to enthuse over the flavor. Vegetables are more often paired with cocktails. As she dines, we hear those near her chit-chatting, eavesdropping on more normal lives. Although she’s drawn very simplified, the settings and dishes are quite detailed. Most aren’t the usual comfort Japanese meals, although many will be familiar to the curious American reader, with the exception of the horse sashimi, the most unusual food in the book.

Wakako Zake is a fun read to dip into over multiple sessions, if you can stand your mouth watering.

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