Monster Cats Volume 1

Monster Cats Volume 1

The author of Yokai Cats, featuring Japanese demons as felines, takes the concept to an area more familiar to American readers. Monster Cats, by Pandania, is an adorable set of short (four-panel) comic strips about a wide range of European monster types, if they were cats.

The creatures include vampires, dragons, mummies, brownie spirits (a set of kittens), gargoyles, an invisible cat, and the giant white yeti. There are lots more, though. The gags are very soft and comfortable, playing off expectations around the monster types.

Monster Cats Volume 1

The book is printed in color, which also means that each monster type gets a different background page tint, which gives the book a lovely rainbow effect.

Monster Cats page block

It’s a fun book to just randomly dive into, or to read up on your favorite creature.

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